
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Assignment 1 Amended Script

Here is a link to my cleaned up assignment 1 script which still looks the same but at half the original dimensions: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72198581/Assignment1_TANY_TAN_3460727%20Small.gh

Assignment 2: Modelling / 3D Printing

For this assignment I made a parametric 3D surface with an attractor point affecting the size of the holes within the surface.
The curved plane is also related to the attractor point: it is defined by a ratio of the distance between the attractor point and a grid of points.

Link to Grasshopper file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72198581/Assignment2%205.gh

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Week 1 Tutorial Exercises

Exercise 1: Draw some points in Rhino. Assign points to grasshopper point component. Draw lines between points with Line AB component.

Exercise 2: Draw a circle in Grasshopper. Control the radius with a slider.

 Exercise 3: Draw a rectangle in Grasshopper. Control the length of one parallel set of edges with a slider. Set the length of the other parallel set of edges as a ratio of the length of the slider controlled edges.

Exercise 4: Draw a curve. Divide the curve into an amount of sections defined by a slider. Place a sphere at each division point.

Exercise 5: Draw two curves in Rhino and loft them in Grasshopper. Move the control points of these curves in Rhino and see how the loft responds.

Exercise 6: Create a 3D representation of your first initial.